6 Habits of Successful Founders

Max Zaharenkov
5 min readJan 3, 2021

Everyone dreams about a successful career and profitable tech company that would become a real legend. Many founders are afraid of changes, risks, and new horizons to explore. But you need to understand that without endeavors and efforts it is impossible to gain success.

Nevertheless, there are some helpful factors to take into account to make your way to well-being less complicated. If you are ready for business challenges, constant self-development, and obstacles to your progress and prosperity of your project, let’s take a closer look at the main 6 habits of successful founder.

Having been a founder of the BorrowPort marketplace, an innovative peer-to-peer platform, I wish I knew this information at the beginning of my way. You are lucky because you have an opportunity to find out more about the experience of other entrepreneurs and draw your own conclusions. I would like to start with common moments that will bring you more self-confidence and the desire to act.

Could a Non-Technical Individual Become a Founder of a Company?

If you think that only technical founders can soar to success, you are wrong. Most founders have only a conception of their project and actual ideas to realize. It does not mean that you should sit idle and do not improve your skills in management, engineering, other spheres of activities. Try to become a “generalist” with vast knowledge in everything relating to entrepreneurship:

● If you are a software programmer, learn English and visit summits, attend webinars on corporate management and investments.

● If you are a talented designer, build up a technical team with competent advisors and specialists in fundraising.

● If you are just an inexperienced but very ambitious founder, do everything to become a skillful founder of a successful company.

Your skillset depends on your desire and efforts to learn the necessary things. At the same time, a proper mindset should be formed by your behavior and the good habits of a businessman. The main six ones are presented below especially for your forthcoming success!

#1 — Have a Mindset of a True Entrepreneur

Inspire with the help of stories of success. There are many interesting autobiographical books to read and find curious pieces of advice to follow. Find a reliable partner or advisor to gain more knowledge in the field you still have some doubts and weak spots. Work on your knowledge and form a proper mindset of a true entrepreneur through constant visits or meetings, special events for entrepreneurs and founders, summits, seminars, and webinars.

Thankfully, in the era we live in, there are many sources of helpful information. If you start acting like a entrepreneur, you will achieve the heights of the business world for sure. Collaboration is the best thing for you as a founder of the company. Surround yourself with successful people who can share their tips, knowledge, experience with you.

#2 — Read and Write

Stay tuned to the fresh news and innovations. Never lose your creative ideas because you did not manage to write your thoughts down. Do not be lazy because a really wonderful startup plan can appear in your head at night. Purchase several diaries and notebooks for this purpose. Note some quotes that inspire you as well. Everything is possible if you believe and visualize your ideas. Sometimes people prefer to use their smartphones for remarks and memo books. Nevertheless, I am sure that written-by-hand information helps us to keep in mind all the necessary conceptions.

#3 — Plan Your Time

Each successful person understands the true value of his or her time. Pay focused attention to your time management. Is your workday well-planned? Leave several hours a day for self-development and your skillset improvements. It means that you should not spend the whole day searching for the ideal place to arrange your office. Do everything fractionally — this way you will prevent your moral and physical exhaustion. Each new day will seem to be very active but exciting. People like to do away with numerous tasks at once.

For example, spend 2 hours a day learning something new. Find some time for meetings with potential partners and investors. Communicate with your staff even if we speak about your tried-and-true buddies who supported your idea to create a startup. By the way, as a team building session use some helpful arrangements first. Like corporate lessons of foreign languages, designing, etc.

#4 — Build Up Your Ideal Network

No-technician founder always need some skillful assistance to be driven through the difficult business road. That is why from the very beginning each newcomer in entrepreneurship should build up a reliable network to count on. Even if you are a top specialist in one field, your startup requires an exceptionally comprehensive approach. For instance, if you are a qualified manager you need tech staff to create a website, designers to cope with advertising materials, banners, and so on. This list can be endless for sure!

Remember that your network is a firm background for your projects. Do not be afraid to opt for the skills of other people. These are your experiences and decisions that might bring success or fails. Nevertheless, create a perfect team to be proud of it in several years after your startup launch!

#5 — Be Get-Up-And-Go

Doubts are your enemies when it comes to business. Even several hours you lost on thinking can play a low-down trick with you and your project. I mean that your rivals could track down some hot offer from advertisers or a profitable deal from investors when you were passive. The conclusion you should draw from my words goes without saying — hold an active position if you want to be a successful founder!

#6 — Fail and Go Further

It is impossible to learn new things and get experience without fail. You see, even small children when they try to walk on two legs often hurt themselves. If you face some failures, do not feel overwhelmed. Do not feel disappointed if some of your plans do not work. You are an entrepreneur who is responsible not only for successful solutions but for fails. Even if your team member did something wrong, draw conclusions, and change your approach to the problematic issue.

I recommend you to become a talker, doer, and thinker at once. It means that only planning is not enough to do away with challenges and routine tasks. You need to think and do at the same time. If one action does not bring the desired results, it is high time to pitch it rather strongly in another direction!

Final Words

To launch a startup you should not be a man of genius. You can make a specialty out of one specific field and create a network to develop your project. Additionally, nothing and nobody should throw obstacles in your path to self-development and professional progress. Improve your skills, be active, and do not fear failures, experiments, and risky deals! Everything is possible even if you are a newcomer in the business arena without technical skills!



Max Zaharenkov

Entrepreneur, Filmmaker and World Traveler living in London 🇬🇧 Sharing experiences for first-time founders💡🛠🚀 ig: maxzaharenkov